
Ways to earn money on the internet

August 10, 2019 Joseph Hernandez 0Comment

Normally, here in my blog, I present professional and permanent ways to make money online. But not everyone is self-employed or wants to earn a full-time income. Many just want to make a few extra bucks and that too is possible.

Therefore, I present below ways in which you can make money on the internet.

Making money on the Internet: Is it really that easy? Yes, it’s definitely worth a try!


Before I introduce the various options, I would like to point out again that this is not about sources of income, from which one can live in a short time. Apart from the fact that this is not so easy anyway, the following tips are intended for all those who really want to earn a little extra money without too much effort.

This is not a long-term business model, nor will one take in larger sums of money, but a little more money will make many happy. You can earn this money or even win it at ny online casinos, both variants work but you have to decide which one suits you better.


If you like to write, have a good general knowledge and also like to deal with new topics, for the writing of texts is a good and fast way to earn something on the Internet.

Platforms like have specialized in exactly this activity and offer the possibility that one earns something by writing texts. But even more general websites, offer a variety of jobs for those who can and want to write texts.

The earning potential is not very high at the beginning, but you get a very decent compensation. Späer you can even earn much more, if you have many satisfied regular customers and recommended.

Small services

The market for small services in the network is booming. Of course, this is because many simply want to earn a few euros, but the clients also appreciate that motivated contractors are available for small tasks.

Platforms like or make it possible to take over simple tasks such as transcripts, content creation, research or the creation of graphics. Of course, there should be some experience and know-how in the area. But then you can easily come to small jobs.

Again, this will not make you rich (like any of the tips in this article), but in between, these platforms provide small jobs to earn a little extra. Depending on the order, there can sometimes be more than just pocket money.

Advertise family and friends

There are other classic affiliate programs that explicitly exclude advertising from friends or family members. For example, , where exactly this is concerned. By advertising new customers in your own family and acquaintances, you receive a compensation.

Of course this ” Affiliate Marketing light” is particularly suitable for those who have a large circle of friends and would like to recommend products. However, you should be careful and do not want to turn everything on everyone. Otherwise you have a few friendships less quickly.

This type of source of income is well suited for all who pass on recommendations anyway and are very contact friendly.

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