Home Improvement

Factors to Consider When Building a Home in Warmer Climates

July 22, 2021 Joseph Hernandez 0Comment

Building a new home in a hot and dry climate like Texas differs significantly from building a cold climate. One of the most significant aspects of building a blouse in warmer areas is the right roof. Therefore contractors like https://www.loaconstruction.com/ are important to getting a good return on investment.

Choosing the wrong design, tolerating subpar construction, or choosing faulty items (or a builder) can lead to an uncomfortable home that is too hot or too humid, adds to mold and mildew, and costs a lot of money.

Warm-climate residents should be aware of how heat, air, and moisture travel through a home’s walls, how insulation and windows are graded, and the importance of passive energy designs, energy-efficient items, and HVAC systems.

Warm-weather homes must be well-insulated, have appropriate insulation for the climate, have energy-efficient windows and doors, and have adequate ventilation and humidity control. Here are some suggestions for making your new home suitable for hot weather:

Reduce the Amount of Heat And Moisture in Your Home.

Reduced heat and moisture gains are critical in hot areas. The right windows, insulated roofing, LED lights, and low-energy appliances can all help to reduce heat gain.

Slowing heat convection, reducing air leakage, and preventing moisture in walls that might cause mold and mildew are all achieved through the use of barriers blocking the moisture and air as well as high-quality flashing. To decrease the absorption of radiant heat, materials should have a low emissivity. Radiant barrier roof sheathing and heat-reflective foil insulation can help.

Low conductivity and a high R-value are ideal for walls. Look for windows that are well-sealed and have a low solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC). Windows that are double-spaced and tinted are ideal choices.

The ideal windows are those that face north or south. Skylights provide more heat gain than light tubes. Thermal mass is provided by concrete, brick, and tile, which absorbs heat during the day and releases it at night. Carpeting is hotter than ceramic tile floors.

A good roofing contractor such as https://www.loaconstruction.com/ will let you choose a light-colored roof with high solar reflectance. Quality roofers also focus on roof overhangs to provide shade for the windows, like a hipped roof with large overhangs. They will also ensure there is enough and continual insulation in the ceiling. 

In hot climates, compact housing configurations, rather than designs that are spread out, function best. Patios with shade, encircling patios, and ideas with courtyards that offer a shaded open area within the structure are excellent choices.

Ventilation is Essential

To maximize airflow throughout the house, ventilation is essential. Natural ventilation is provided via an open floor layout. Ceiling fans, roof vents, and louvered attic vents can all help. Remember to use bathroom fans and vents to remove dampness. An energy recovery ventilation (ERV) system or an air-to-air heat pump are also options. Moisture vapor can be removed from the home using whole-house ventilation systems.

Leaking moist air from the attic into the house, use of the HVAC network with exterior air conditioning device, leaking air ducts, leakage of the building envelope, and unsteady airflow are all factors that can raise the air change rate and humidity level in the home

Ignoring these difficulties and introducing too much external air through ventilation can result in major moisture issues. Addressing these concerns may necessitate extra wall cavity framing, tightly sealed ducting, sealed air handlers, and room-to-room transfer vents to minimize airflow rates. 

Also, make sure your new home has a properly sized and variable-speed air conditioning system. Finally, supplementary dehumidification is probably a good idea—Orient the home to face the sun away from the major windows. To block sunlight, use curtains, blinds, shades, and planting. To reflect sunlight, choose a light-colored roof and ensure good window and roof flashing.

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